Complete Video Solutions

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wanna be Friends???

If you're on Facebook (who isn't???) look me up!! My name (in case you don't know) is Tom Santilli, let me know you saw my blog so I know who you are!

Look forward to meeting you!

And look for the Complete Video Solutions Facebook page coming soon....

Clips Now Online!!!

Although I am still actively getting the website up and running, there are now clips viewable in the Weddings and Sports segments of the website. Check it out at!!!

Some More History!

Well Complete Video Solutions is off and running! After spending the past 7 years as part of JD Entertainment, I wanted to thank the owner John DeVergilio for his commitment to me and for giving me an opportunity to grow in this industry. John is the best DJ that I have ever worked with, and I strongly recommend him if you are ever in the market for a DJ!! And here's a free plug for John as well: He DJ's up at Roger's Roost every Wednesday night, go and check him out!!!

As time goes along, people's paths intertwine, and intersect. I am happy for the years spent with JD and wish them nothing but the best! Although Complete Video is a new venture, I bring with it years of experience not only with JD Entertainment, but my years at Clinton Township Television, CMU Public Broadcasting, and the host of other video projects that I have been involved with through the years.

I bring this up to all of you reading this to explain: a lot of the clips you will see on the website and on this blog, initially, were done for other companies while I worked there. But rest assured, everything you see, I was 100% involved in its creation.

Let me know if I can help you in any way. Video is a powerful tool, and I plan on getting the word out to as many people as possible!!!

Tom Santilli
Owner, Complete Video Solutions, LLC