I'm proud to announce that I have recently been selected by Examiner.com & National Cinema Media as one of "The Best Film Critics in America"!!!

As many of you know, in addition to running Complete Video Solutions, I am an avid writer, and I currently write two columns for Examiner.com, a huge website that focuses on localized news (check it out!!!!!) The first column is the Detroit Wedding Examiner, and the second column is the Detroit Movie Examiner. As part of the Detroit Movie Examiner I review movies, and based on my work thus far I was chosen.
What does that mean for me? Well, for starters, I am being flown out to Denver in February to shoot a high-end, professional :30 commercial that will run in local Detroit theatres prior to the shows. The "Best Film Critics in America" will be promoted heavily by both Examiner.com and National Cinema Media.
The commercial will apparently feature me, and is being designed specifically to match my personality.
I am so honored and incredibly excited to have been selected, and can't wait to see what's in store! If you haven't already, you can read some of my movie reviews here.
More info to come!
Tom Santilli
Owner - Complete Video Solutions